Dental bonding is a procedure which is preferred in aesthetic dentistry. It is an procedure made to change the color and shape of the tooth without the need for any erosion process on the teeth. It can be performed quickly and it is a cost-efficient procedure.

In which situations is the bonding procedure preferred?

  • When patient has diastema.
  • In the repair of dental caries.
  • To lengthen the short teeth
  • For the purpose of changing the tooth color.
  • In the repair of broken teeth.
  • When time is limited for other treatments.

Advantages of Dental Bonding

  • It is one of the biggest advantages of dental bonding procedure that there is no need to cut the teeth while bonding.
  • It ensures that the person has aesthetically satisfying appearance by correcting the teeth that are shorter than they need to be.
  • Treatments of broken, decayed and yellowed teeth may take a long time. With dental bonding, these problems are solved in a short time.
  • For people who cannot afford laminate or the other aesthetic veneers, dental bonding stands out as a more suitable and affordable alternative.

Dental Bonding: Before & After

Things to consider after Dental Bonding procedure

Dental bonding provides the teeth functionally the same conditions as natural teeth, but gives a more aesthetic appearance. For this reason, colored foods and beverages such as tea, coffee or cherry, which may cause coloring on the patient’s own teeth, may cause coloring on the bonding filler too. Avoiding excessive consumption of these beverages and foods will be beneficial for the life of dental bonding. In addition, coloring can be prevented by teeth polishing which can be done after the procedure.

After the procedure, patients should avoid biting hard foods that may damage the filling material. Routine oral care, like regular brushing and flossing, is also essential to extend the life of the bonding procedure.