Diş implantıDental implant treatment is a procedure, which is replaced teeth roots with titanium, screw retained abutments and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and work like real teeth. It is a good alternative for bridges and dentures.

How the dental implant treatment is going to be performed, depends on the type of the implants and condition of patient’s bone. Dental implant treatments may contain a few procedures. Implants serve as a durable root for the new teeth.

What is Implant?

Dental Implants have changed the course of dentistry in the last 15 years. A dental implant is replaced with a tooth root. It is fixed to the bone like the teeth roots. It is used for fixing the dental crowns. Dental implants are made from titanium which is light, strong and biologically compatible. Titanium is not rejected by the human body, it is also used for bone shoulder and knee implants. The basis of biological success of dental implants is the integration property of the titanium with bone which is called osseointegration.

Dental implants make eating, chewing, smiling and speaking easier. This functionality provides the person with social, psychological and physical support.

Who can have Dental Implant Treatment?

If we need to generalize, a person who lost his/her teeth is a candidate for dental implant treatment. But patient’s health situation is very important, since there are some conditions and diseases which may affect the suitability of dental implants. For example, diabetes, cancer.. smoking,excessive use of alcohol or dental gum diseases can affect the osseointegration of dental implants with bone. Dentist should know patient’s health condition (in the past and present) and all the medications that is used by patient, which are prescribed, unprescribed or herbal.
Placing the dental implants requires to examine the mouth and jaws in detail. Doing planning with the help of computerized scan gives opportunity to the dentist to place the dental implants into the complete right position in the bone.

Dental Implant: Before & After

Dental Implant: Stages of Treatment

Let’s examine how is the dental implant treatment performed step by step.

First Examination

In the first examination, the teeth are examined in detail, panoramic x-ray and three dimensional tomography (CBCT) of mouth is taken and condition of bones of teeth and jaw is determined. After that, the dentist gives the required informations about recommended treatment plan, stages of the operation, time period and what should have been done during the healing process. Planning is done according to the structure of the patient’s teeth and bone.

Surgical Stage

After the planning, the surgical stage of implant treatment is started. In the surgical stage, implants are placed into the jawbone. Thanks to the developing surgical techniques and experiences of dentists, to perform this procedure is getting easier. During this surgical procedure following steps are followed respectively:

  • A flap is opened in the soft tissues.
  • A place is opened to place the implant into the bone.
  • The flaps are stitched.

Nowadays stitching is more preferred option but there is also another option like flapless treatment for dental implants. It is expected to flapless method becomes widespread in the future.

Processing time for each implant is 10-15 minutes. Process is performed under local anesthesia.

Temporary Denture Stage

After the surgical stage crowns can not be placed immediately. A certain period of time is required for healing of surgical area and osseointegration of the implants to the bone. After waiting 2-3 months for lower jaw and 3-4 months for upper jaw, next stage can be started. In this waiting period temporary dentures are placed onto the dental implants. These temporary dentures are used for aesthetic look more than functionality. 7-10 days after the surgery the dentures are placed.

Permanent Denture Stage

During the healing process, permanent dentures are produced with special planning. After the surgical area healed, with the approval of the dentist, permanent denture stage can be started. Prepared dentures are placed permanently

Advantages of Dental Implants

It is a popular treatment method since dental implants have a lot of advantages.

  • The look of the teeth and the feeling they give is natural.
  • Dental implants are permanent since they are placed into the bone.
  • Implants do not cause to speaking disorders, because they do not slip like dentures, which is a common problem for the people who use dentures.
  • Dental implants are comfortable since they are placed into the bone.
  • It is hard to eat some food with dentures. There is no such a problem with dental implants, they function as good as your original teeth.
  • They solve both functional problems and aesthetic concerns. And this improves the self confidence of patient.
  • They can be used for a lifetime with a proper and regular care.

Dental Implant : Frequently Asked Questions

Why do so many people choose Dental Implants?

Dental implant Treatment is a solution, which gives the most natural look and feeling, for the missing teeth. Dental implants do not slip while patients speak, smile or eat, unlike the dentures..

What is the cost of Dental Implants?

Dental implant treatment works in a different way with each patient, because of that, the cost changes depending on the special needs of the patients. A detailed examination is done in our clinic, to determine your needs and the costs about these.

How long is the total process for treatment?

Each patient is different. Your dentist does a planing which includes estimated time required to complete the procedure after diagnosis is made. Total process of the treatment depends on your need, medical history, health of your jawbone and the techniques and material which will be used.

Are the Dental Implants safe?

The dental implant treatment, which have been used for last 40-50 years, is a safe treatment method. But there can be complications, as in any medical procedure. Choosing a well educated dentist will help to reduce the complications, and deal with them if any complications occur.

Is it a painful treatment?

The pain is minimalized thanks to the local anesthesia, that is done during the treatment, and instructions for home care. Generally patients can return to their daily activities and their work the day after the treatment.