Dental fillings aim to refunction the tooth that has lost its function due to decays. This treatment method, which is almost as old as dentistry, lasts a long time with the developing technology and meets the patient’s expectations.

Types of Filling

The same filling material is not suitable for every patient. Factors such as the condition of the decays, the patient’s allergy to the substances and the cost determine which material will be used for the filling.

Amalgam filling: It is also known as silver filling and mercuric filling among the people. Amalgam filling, which was widely used in the past, is now replaced by aesthetic and composite materials.

Amalgam filling is formed by mixing materials such as silver, copper, zinc and tin with mercury.

Composite filling: Also known as white filling among the people. It is made of resin-based composite material. It is placed on the tooth when it is in the form of paste and then it is had a firm consistency with light sources. It is difficult to realize the presence of a well-applied composite filling.

Nowadays, composite filling is the most widely used filling type.

Who can have fillings?

Patients with cracked, broken and decayed teeth can have dental fillings under the control and approval of the dentist.

What are the Advantages of Dental Filling?

  • Composite fillings can be applied in one session.
  • Fillings can be made in accordance with tooth color.
  • After the procedure, teeth can be used easily.
  • Dental care does not require an extra effort after the procedure.
  • It provides an aesthetic look.

Things to Consider After Dental Filling

  • Patients should be careful about not to bite the tongue, lips and cheeks until the affect of anesthesia goes away.
  • Eating should be avoided until the affect of anesthesia goes away.
  • Pain killers recommended by the dentist should be taken for pain that can be felt after the procedure.
  • Patients should pay attention to oral and dental hygiene.