ortodontiOrthodontic treatment is a treatment which is performed to improve the function and look of the teeth. The crowding in the teeth affects not only the aesthetic appearance but also the function of them. And these kind of situations reduce the quality of life.

Orthodontic treatment makes patients gain aesthetic look and function by fixing the disorderliness in the teeth. Success rate of this treatment is really high, since it has been used for many years.

Some of the results that orthodontic treatment provides you:

  • Repairing dental irregularities
  • Improving of chewing function
  • Improving of smile

A lot of people have irregularity in their teeth. Biting function may not work properly when there is crowding in the teeth. Dental diseases occur easier, because of these problems, which make harder to clean the teeth and gums. These irregularities even may affect shape of the face.

Who is suitable for orthodontic treatment?

Adults and children are suitable candidates for orthodontic treatment, since the irregularity may start at a young age. It is a treatment method which may be performed for children, who use bottle nursing more than 3 years, have crowding teeth, have habits like thumbsucking problem and for everyone who has spaces between his/her teeth, occlusion problems and deformity in the upper and lower jaw. If you have other problems in your teeth like decays, these problems should be treated before orthodontic treatment.

Types of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontic treatment includes fixed braces and removable braces to align the crowding in the teeth.


The most preferred procedure from fixed  procedures is braces. It is also known as brackets. Brackets are sticked onto the teeth and braces are passed through the brackets. With the force applied by the braces, the teeth are moved gradually and the irregularities are eliminated.

Treatment of braces may last a few months or years depending on the irregularities in the patient’s teeth. The teeth are regulated as requested by adjusting the braces and brackets regularly.

Removable braces

Invisible Aligners: During the treatment of braces adults can experience aesthetic concerns, and sometimes just because of these concerns they can give up on this treatment. Orthodontic treatment with invisible aligners provides solution to these aesthetic concerns experienced by adults. We examined orthodontic treatment with invisible aligners in a separate title.

Palatal Expanders: It is made from a plastic material, which rests on the palate, to allow the upper jaw expand.

Retainers: Retainers are used to preserve the position of teeth after the treatments done with braces of invisible aligners.

Stages of Orthodontic Treatment

Success rate of orthodontic treatment is high. It may be performed in two or three stage according to the level of irregularity and crowding in the teeth.


Before the treatment intraoral examination is done inclusively. After the examination, the information, about context, period and stages of treatment are given by your dentist.


At this stage, oral hygiene is provided. If there is any fillings or teeth extraction is needed , these treatments are done firstly. Teeth and jaw measurements are taken for the planning and treatment.


The treatment plan is made according to examinations and the measurements.


Treatment process is started by placing the brackets and braces to your teeth, of which oral hygiene provided at the preparation stage. The dentist gives information about what to do after placing procedure.

Retainer Treatment

After the treatment is over, teeth may stay unstable and return to their original positions. Because of that, retainer treatment is done to make the teeth adapt to their new position. The method of retainer treatment depends on the condition of patient.