Gülüş tasarımı Smile design is a procedure of designing personalized smile, which may include more than one treatment. Not having a beautiful and healthy smile may affect negatively person’s social life. People, who do not like their own smile, may beware, even disincline from smiling between people. Smile Design provides solutions to all the problems which make the person disincline from smiling. It is possible to reach a healthy smile with personalized treatment plans.

Who is suitable for a smile design?

The most certain way to learn if you are suitable for smile design is dentist examination. However there can be some situations, which make the patient think that s/he is suitable for this operation.

Patient has aesthetic concerns about his/her teeth.

There may be only one problem that patients want to solve about their teeth. These people generally may get the results they want, from only one procedure or treatment. For example, if a patient has stained teeth, she/he may only need bleaching.

If the patient has more than one problem, then she/he may need more than one treatment to get the results wanted. In smile design, a treatment is planned according to the patient’s problems and this treatment is performed according to the plan. Problems that cause some aesthetic concerns and may be solved in smile design:

  • Stained and discoloured teeth
  • Broken and decayed teeth
  • Diastemas
  • Crowded teeth
  • Patient has functional problems with his/her teeth

Not all people who are suitable for smile design may have functional problems but many problems which cause aesthetic concerns may decrease functionality. For example a missing tooth may limit ability of chewing and also may cause aesthetic concerns.

Which treatments can be done in Smile Design?

Treatments performed in Smile design are different for each patient. The smile, which is compatible with patient’s characteristic features, is designed according to the patient’s age, shape of face, chin and lip.


Bleaching has two methods, these are: Office bleaching and home bleaching. Office bleaching is performed in clinic with the help of special gels by protecting the gums and lips. It may whiten teeth up to 2-3 shades in the wake of 45 minute’s operation. Home bleaching can be performed by itself only or it can be combined with Office bleaching. It affects slower than Office bleaching but the level of effect is same.

Composite Fillings (Bonding)

Composite Fillings have been used in dentistry for many years. Composite resin is a plastic mixture which has silicon dioxide fragments in it. Since it has the same color as teeth, it is named as white filling. Composite filling may be used to treat broken and decayed teeth and the diastema problem.


Patients who have stained and damaged teeth may prefer veneers to fix those teeth. Veneers may be used to fix the diastemas, cover the stainings, restore the broken or fractured teeth. Some of crossed teeth can be made look straighter by using veneers.


Dental implant treatment is a procedure, which is replaced tooth roots with titanium, screw retained abutments and replaces damaged or missing teeth with artificial teeth that look and work like real teeth. It is a good alternative for bridges and dentures.

How the dental implant treatment is going to be performed depends on the type of the implants and condition of patient’s bone. Dental implant treatments may contain a few procedures. Implants serve as a durable root for the new teeth.

Smile Design: Frequently Asked Questions

How to be decided which treatments will be used for smile design?
The treatments are determined according to the problems that patient lives through in her/his teeth, gums, chin and face shape.

How long does treatment take?
The time, which treatment takes, depends on the treatment. 1 session may be enough for some patients, but in the cases that more than one treatment are done, more than one session may be needed.

 I just want to whiten my teeth, do I need to go to a dentist for this?
There are plenty of products under the name of tooth whitener on the market. To avoid the risk of these products damaging your teeth, teeth whitening must be done by a dentist.

Is smile design an expensive treatment?
Price of smile design depends on the treatment will be done.