Diş beyazlatmaTobacco products, beverages, irregular care for teeth may cause the teeth look yellowish. It is not that difficult to have white teeth for a beautiful smile. A lot of people reach the look of teeth, which they have imagined, thanks to teeth bleaching.

Bleaching, which is preferred a lot in the recent years, is coming to the forefront with it’s advantages like being reliable and quick. Before the bleaching process, colorful, organic and inorganic substances, which have been in the structure of tooth enamel, are cleaned with ultrasonic devices. Then bleaching is performed with bleaching gels.

Methods of Dental Bleaching

There are two methods: Office bleaching, home bleaching.
Office bleaching is performed in clinic. It lasts approximately 1 hour. Specials gels and rays are applied to the teeth. It may whiten teeth up to 3-4 shades in a short time. This is the most reliable and effective bleaching method.
Home bleaching can be performed by just itself or it can be combined with Office bleaching. It affects slower than Office bleaching but the level of effect is same. It is performed with special gels by using thin bleaching tray.

Who is suitable for dental bleaching?

This procedure is not recommended to pregnant women, nursing mothers and children who does not complete their growth. Except those, anyone who does not have any decay or gum disease are suitable for this procedure.

Is it a reliable procedure?

The teeth are not damaged during this procedure. Sensitiveness on the teeth may increase after the procedure, but it lasts 1-2 days.

Considerations after the procedure

There are considerations after the procedure to prevent staining and coloring again. There are foods and beverages which have to be avoided, to preserve the whitening for a long time. Patients have to avoid red fruits such as pomegranate, berry, cherry, red wine, fruit soda, tea and coffee, vegetables which may give their color to the teeth, such as spinach, broccoli and carrot, and colored beverages. Acidic foods must be avoided such as tomato sauces, red sauces, soy sauces, ketchup, mustard, vinegar, lemon, orange and grapefruit. Smoking increase the staining of the teeth. So the best advice for this problem is to quit smoking. Eating these foods and keeping to repeat the same habits may cause staining on your teeth again.