Zirkonyum kaplamaMaterials like gold, porcelain have been used in dental treatments to make veneers for a long time. Zirconium veneers, which are recently started to be used compared to the other materials, combine the strength of metals with the natural look of porcelain and they are getting more popular for every kind of dental treatments.

Zirconium Veneers are made from zirconium, which is a metal has similar properties to titanium. Being biocompatible of zirconium provides a good advantage about using it for dental treatments.

Advantages of Zirconium Veneers

It is not a coincidence that the zirconium veneers are the first choice of patients. They have advantages like providing aesthetic appearance, being biocompatible and long lived.

Aesthetic Appearance

Zirconium veneers provide a natural look. Most of the time it is hard to distinguish zirconium veneers from natural teeth. The unaesthetic look, which occurs on the metal based veneers when they are exposed to sun ray, does not occur on the zirconium veneers.


Zirconium is a compatible material with human body. The problems like corrosion and metal allergy which occur in the metal based veneers, do not occur in the zirconium veneers.


The permanence of zirconium veneers are longer than the other materials. It is observed that zirconium veneers can be used for more than 10 years with a regular care of patient.


Most of the veneers corrode with years of use. Consuming various beverages and foods for years causes to corosion of veneers. One of the reasons of being zirconium veneers durable is they do not corrode.


Dentists may produce zirconium veneers in their clinics. It requires less equipment, time and material than the other veneers like porcelain. Thanks to that dentists may produce the veneers in their own clinics without having to order from dental laboratories. It is possible to produce and put the zirconium veneers for dentists even in one day with CAD/CAM technology.

Zirconium Veneers: Before & After

Zirconium Veneers : Frequently Asked Questions

Does any staining occur on the veneers?
Surface of zirconium is smooth. Therefore zirconium veneers reduce occurrence of dental spots and tartars, which occur because of smoking, coffee, etc.

What are the advantages of zirconium veneers compared to porcelain veneers?
Zirconium veneers provide a more natural look compared to porcelain veneers and they can be produced as compatible with patient’s original tooth color.

In which situations are zirconium veneers used?
Area of use of zirconium veneers is extensive. They are preferred for a lot of treatment from dental crowns to bridges, implant treatments.

Do zirconium veneers cause halitosis or any change of taste?
Zirconium veneers do not cause any change of taste, since they are not metal-based. They are biocompatible and the closest option to natural teeth, therefore they do not cause foul breath.

How should patients carry out maintenance of zirconium veneers?
Zirconium veneers requires regular care like natural teeth. They can be used for long years with the help of tools like toothbrush, dental floss.